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Introduction of the movie Gifted

Gifted is a movie that talks about a 7-year-old named Mary who’s gifted in math. The girl’s talented mom, who was probably the smartest person in the world, died young when Mary was just 6 month old. Frank, Mary’s uncle, has shouldered the responsibility(肩負,承擔責任)for taking care of Mary since then. And then it’s time for Mary to go to school, but she’s way too smart to go to an elementary school that other kids go to. After knowing this, Evelyn, Mary’s grandmom, tries every possible way to get the full custody (監護權)of the kid. The insistence(堅持)on education for Mary between Frank and Evelyn is the highlight(重點,精華)of the movie, attracting viewers to think who’s right and who’s wrong.


My thoughts on the movie Gifted

This thought-provoking(發人省思的)movie makes viewers think what’s more important in terms of child education. Captain America Chris Evans as “Frank Adler” in the movie Gifted wants his niece Mary to have a normal child life because of his promise made to his sister, but his mom Evelyn thinks that Frank denies the gifted girl her potential(潛能,潛力). She thinks Mary should focus on(專注) math and work hard on it as if nothing’s more important than math in the world. Actually, this is the way Evelyn brought up her gifted daughter who committed suicide and died young as she felt her life was deprived(剝奪); it’s almost like she had no life but math.


After watching the movie, I was kind of surprised that why a parent would put success first, but on second thought, I’ve come to the realization (了解)that some parents are just like Evelyn, the so-called “Tiger Mom” or “Tiger Dad”. Fukuhara Ai is a good example if you know how her mom trained her to be a champion (冠軍)table tennis player. It’s not fair to say such parents do not love their children. I would say it’s what you think what’s more important to you in the world.  


“Gifted” is a movie that I would recommend it. Not only because it provides the chance that "I think, therefore I am”, but also because its storyline (故事情節)is not old-fashioned(老套), which is unable to predict what’s gonna happen in the end? This makes viewers like me keep watching the movie till the end of it. In addition, the acting of Mary, the little girl that Mckenna Grace stars in the movie, is awesome, making viewers wonder if she’s really gifted in math. It doesn’t look like she is acting; she performs as if she’s that little girl Mary.





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